Daniel Radcliffe, star of the newly released “The Woman in Black,” discusses his role in this film, why he quit drinking and life after Harry Potter.
It also didn’t hurt that the script scared the daylights out of him. “From the first page when he’s in the house with the woman in black, I was going, ‘Get out! Run! Don’t ever go back!’ ” he says with a laugh.
To prepare for the part, Radcliffe met with a psychologist to better understand his character’s crippling grief. The 22-year-old actor dealt with the film’s other chief challenge—believably playing a father—by drawing on the natural chemistry he shares with real-life godson Misha Handley, who was cast as Arthur’s child. While valuable on camera, that led to some anxiety for Radcliffe offscreen. “We were doing night shoots a lot, and I was just so scared Misha was having a horrible time,” he says. “It gets to 10:30 and he’s starting to get tired, and no matter how much candy you offer him, or how many iPad games you promise he can play later, all he wants to do is go to bed. I was like, ‘He’s going to hate me!’ ”
Source: Watch Magazine