Simply Daniel Radcliffe Fiction
Unleash your heart to the world of Radcliffe


Summaries [7]
List your short summaries here. Do not add full stories in this section.
Holidays [1]
Holiday themed writing: Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day, etc.
Daniel Radcliffe [184]
Stories based on Daniel Radcliffe
Movies [27]
Stories on Dan's movies
Television [3]
Stories based on Dan's TV projects
Stage [1]
Stories based on Dan's Stage Characters
Cross Overs [2]
Stories mixed with two movies or more.
Poetry [6]
Poetry on anything

Site Info

Members: 4474
Series: 5
Stories: 219
Chapters: 1016
Word count: 1479761
Authors: 58
Reviews: 271
Reviewers: 218
Newest Member: danielrismyboo
Beta-reader: 3

Who's Online

Guests: 1

Skin Change

Miracle Workers [0]

If you like the show Miracle Workers, here's some fan fiction on it.

A Young Doctor's Notebook [2]
Other Results: 1 Series


Title: I Choose You, Danachoo! by TheDanAndChadExperience
Rated: [Reviews - 1]

Daniel Radcliffe is a budding and epic pokemon master on a quest to save all pokemon from the wrath of the mighty and powerful Chad. Will he succeed? or will his pokemon be fainted? Find out now!

Category: Television, Daniel Radcliffe, Cross Overs
Characters: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 446 | Read count: 7846 [Report This]
Published: 11/28/2013 | Updated: 11/29/2013