Simply Daniel Radcliffe Fiction
Unleash your heart to the world of Radcliffe


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Site Info

Members: 4474
Series: 5
Stories: 219
Chapters: 1016
Word count: 1479761
Authors: 58
Reviews: 271
Reviewers: 218
Newest Member: danielrismyboo
Beta-reader: 3

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Skin Change

Guilty is charged by Emily G

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 Brittany sits in a lonely little cafe' on Zamutaro street and sips her green tea. To behold her eyes, Daniel Radcliffe and a tall brunette walk in the shop to purchase some coffe. Brittany is so excited, she hasn't felt so awestruck in years...."Two Coffes please." Daniel asks politely to the cashier. She hands him his change and he takes his number, thus walking over to a table to sit down with the woman.

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