Swiss Army Man, the just-finished movie, is the craziest positive experience of his life. He thinks they were doing a movie that no one ever watched, no kidding. And he is also proceeding to do other projects, but he doesn’t manage say it now. He believes if you say things before, they won’t happen.
He doesn’t have a dream character, he would have written his own script if he does. You won’t have a dream character unless you read the script, he thinks this way. He would try his best to do something that makes him feel excited and also makes his audience exited.
In terms of his favorite character, except Harry, there is Ig Perrish from Horns, he thinks it’s a sad but graceful character, and the lines are good, and what’s better than the lines is his overcoat! He would give himself 8 points out of 10, sort of romantic, but not too romantic to make you feel sick.
Many people assume that he doesn’t like to be aked or mentioned as Harry Potter. Actually he is proud of all the works he’s done, and he will always be. He still likes to know how HP matters to the the fans. Just because he has other things to do doesn’t mean he would forget his past. Some people likes to be proud of past and try their best to do new things, give themselves a challenge and a surprise. These two things are totally different, but neither is boring.
He feel special to be part of influence to the public, he hopes he can be featured on other non-HP things, and he will try to continue doing something surprises and interests himself. Maybe he will get more concentrations, there is no limit about that. He got to know that Friends can be as important as family when he was shooting HP series.
He writes poems. There’s a nature in poem is that it can turn a mess situation, mood or life into something beautiful. Poems can also turn into lyrics if you write them with your heart. He is reading Kafka on the Shore (by Haruki Murakami) currently. He has become a loyal fan to Murakami, and he is chasing all his works. But his favorite book of his life is The Master and the Margarita (by Mikhail Bulgakov), it’s a book full of humor and sorrow, but it can make readers feel happy.