Lots of stuff poured out from Comic Con yesterday. We got tons of new interviews, images and a new trailer on Horns. So let’s list everything that came out. The latest interviews: Horns Panel, Hitfix Interview 1, Hitfix Interview 2, Daniel Reflects On Playing The Anti-Hero (MTV), Dan has never really seen Star Wars (MTV), Daniel Radcliffe Salma Hayek Comic Con 2014 +Highlights, IGN Interview, Movies on Demand Interview, MTV Dan is Spiderman Interview.
MOVIES > Horns (2014) > SiriusXM’s Entertainment Weekly Radio Channel (2)
MOVIES > Horns (2014) > Comic Con KROQ 106.7 FM (6)
Also added photos on our twitter, New photo from Dennys Ilic Photography and a couple of images from What if from Red Mist and What if facebook page.