Every so often we like to do something fun. So I asked a few people if they would be interested in a contest. They said yes. So with that here’s what we are gonna do.
If your interested here’s our contest. Its gonna be fun filled with lots for you to do. If you’re a graphic artist, since we got the trailer now its time to work on fan art. So if you would like to make a graphic for it, whether it be a poster or just a regular banner, icons anything your heart desires feel free.
We would also welcome you to submit your fan fiction. Whether it be RadAvoy (Slash) in Nature, Romantic, Scary. Whatever the cause we need your submissions. Poetry artists: Create a poem about Victor Frankenstein or like our birthday project break it down for each letter of Victor Frankenstein.
If your crafty make a Victor Frankenstein food idea: it could be a dessert, main course, or an appetizer. A plus if you use bacon. Your choice.
Also if you would like to make a t shirt or a homemade banner out of paper. We would love to add those as well. The prizes will be announced sometime in October. So you have lots of time to think about it.
Victor Frankenstein Halloween Contest
Graphic dimensions are your choice. Icons should be 100×100 or 150×150
T-Shirts preferably white use markers or fabric markers. Take a picture wearing it or the shirt.
Poetry and Fan Fiction: Poetry as long as you want. Fan Fiction 3 paragraphs or more no less.
Food: Drinks, Desserts, Main Course, Appetizers. Have fun with it. Pictures of it must be submitted with your recipe.
Send pictures, stories or graphics to simplydanielradcliffe@gmail.com make sure to title it “Victor Frankenstein Halloween Contest”